If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days in its original packaging (including manual, parts and your receipt), for a full refund or replacement*. It is the customer’s responsibility to cover shipping costs for any returned items and ensure the product is returned in resalable condition. If returned product is received back in a non saleable condition or damaged during shipping back to our warehouse, WAMACO reserves the right to refuse a refund.
If your order arrives damaged due to shipping or we have shipped you the wrong product, you are also eligible for a full refund or replacement. We require you contact us within 5 business days of receiving your order to arrange refund or replacement. We reserve the right to the disposition of the damaged product. In the event we require damaged product to be returned, WAMACO will cover any shipping costs.
The tender used in refunding an order will be made to the same tender as the purchase. Debit and credit card refunds will only be processed to the same card number used for the original purchase.
* Clearance items can consist of new, used or damaged products, and will be a final sale which are exempt from our regular return policy. This does not include sale items. Clearance items will be clearly marked.